Optimierung der Prozesse in der Kommissionierung

Schnellere und fehlerfreie Auftragskommissionierung

Bei der Kommissionierung einzelner Artikel, Kisten oder Paletten beschleunigen Sie Ihre Auftragserfüllung durch den Einsatz von Technologie, die optimal auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist. Mit ZetesMedea bringen Sie Tempo und Präzision in Ihre Prozesse bei der Auftragskommissionierung. So können Sie Technologie für alle Kommissioniermethoden kombinieren und aufeinander abstimmen, wie zum Beispiel Batch Picking, Multi-Order Picking, Wave Picking, Zone Picking und Pick by Line.

Mit unserer Lösung bereiten Ihre Arbeitskräfte im Lager Aufträge schneller und ohne Fehler vor. So können Sie auch in Peak-Zeiten Ihre Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) einhalten, fristgerecht liefern und ungeplante Lieferungen ausführen.

Mit ZetesMedea gewinnen Sie folgende Vorteile für die Auftragskommissionierung:

  • Ausführung von mehr Aufträgen pro Tag.
  • Schnellere Einarbeitung von Zeitarbeitern und Saisonkräften.
  • Kommissionierung mit einer Genauigkeit von mindestens 99,9 %.
  • Minimierung kostspieliger Retouren und Vertragsstrafen für falsche Lieferungen
  • Schneller Versand bzw. Expressversand wird ermöglicht
  • Einhaltung der Vorschriften zur Rückverfolgbarkeit

Find out more

Voice Picking

Next Generation Voice Solutions helps improve accuracy, productivity and efficiency

ZetesMedea next-generation voice picking solution provides more accuracy, increased productivity and improved flexibility in your warehouse and stores. Site supervisors can track & analyse progress and reallocate resources where needed. It also helps avoid incorrect shipments and costly credit notes.

In addition to these performance optimizations, voice solutions allows for implementation of advanced picking methodologies, such as simultaneous and multiple order picking to further increase labor efficiency.

The benefits of ZetesMedea:

  • A productivity increase of 25% to 35%
  • Accuracy rates of 99.9% and above
  • Minimal training time which is ideal for peak seasonal periods.
  • One device for multiple processes
  • You can combine voice picking with scanning, RFID or screen-based support
  • Seamless integration with any ERP or WMS, including SAP
Contact us for your free demo today
Voice picking

Discover the Benefits of Next Generation Voice Technology

Download the Zetes Voice Brochure to explore how voice technology can be used to optimise your picking operations.

Download our Brochure

Picking with Robotics

Picking Optimization with Robotics

Changes in distribution practices and growing direct to customer models are generating increasing pressures on warehouse operators and supply chains. In order to efficiently adapt, human dependent operations must increasingly be balanced with light automation to ensure efficiency and future adaptability.


That is why at Zetes, we always strive to innovate and offer you the best technologies to help you keep your customers’ promise. By incorporating Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR’s) technologies into our logistics execution solution, ZetesMedea, we are offering you the best of both worlds: a state-of-the-art software solution combined with cutting-edge technology.

Download our brand new brochure and learn more on AMR’s and their wide range of benefits.

Download the brochure


Autonomous Mobile Robots for warehouse optimisation

Are you interesting in knowing more about collaborative automation and the benefits in could bring your business? Fill in the contact form and we will get back to you shortly to discuss your needs.










Learn more about our Warehouse Solutions

ZetesMedea is a proven and well established warehouse software for large and small companies across EMEA.

We work with many organisations looking to replace paper based, manual processes with state-of-the-art proof of software. Customers are from a wide range of sectors including national postal organisations, courier express and parcel services (CEPS), manufacturers, retailers and pharma distribution organisations requiring temperature condition monitoring.

Contact us for your free demo today

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