Paris (France), 20 October 2020 - Lehning Laboratories, a leading player in the field of homeopathy and herbal medicines, has selected the ZetesAtlas identification solution, equipped MD-9000 automatic marking and tamper-proof labelling stations, to ensure compliance with new Falsified Medicines Directive and to assure its customers of product authenticity.
Created in 1935, Lehning Laboratories is a French pioneer in the field of natural herbal treatments. 35 tonnes of fresh plants are delivered to the site each year, for use in the manufacture of products in various formulations: granules, tablets, liquids. For the liquid products, packaged in a bottle, Lehning Laboratories needed to implement some major changes in their production and packaging operations.
Herbal medicine subject to regulations
The new Falsified Medicines Directive now require the producers of herbal medicines to affix a tamper-proof label to their product packaging. To ensure compliance, Lehning Laboratories selected the ZetesAtlas identification solution. Virginie Pietrowski, Production Manager at Lehning Laboratories explains: "ZetesAtlas has allowed us to centralise all of our production requirements, the marking of legal notices on our packages (Batch Number, expiry date, and Datamatrix) and the now essential application of tamper-proof labels."
Facing up to challenges with ZetesAtlas
In the liquid product production and packaging workshop, there were some major challenges. Bottle sizes range from 30 to 250 ml, and the standards governing packaging and product traceability are highly complex. With its open and non-proprietary architecture, ZetesAtlas software, combined with the MD-9000 automatic system for inkjet marking and application of tamper-proof labels, can identify (and potentially serialising and aggregating) products quickly and easily, directly on the packaging lines. And thanks to its unique Human-Machine-Interface, it will be able to handle any future equipment configuration needs anywhere on the packaging line.

A scalable system with a view to serialisation
According to Guillaume Vicot, Country Manager for Zetes France, "The ZetesAtlas solution has another advantage: the ways you can upgrade the system. For Lehning Laboratories, which covers other markets such as Russia, new obligations concerning the serialisation of herbal medicine products, will soon be imposed. An option that is highly beneficial to the Group, which is already prepared for the changes required by this future regulation."
The satisfaction of a completed project
"Since starting to use ZetesAtlas, we have obtained better performance from our production and packaging lines. The improvement is significant: our breakdown rates have fallen from 19% to below 3% in barely two months." comments Virginie Pietrowski.
"Since starting to use ZetesAtlas, we have obtained better performance from our production and packaging lines. The improvement is significant: our breakdown rates have fallen from 19% to below 3% in barely two months." Virginie Pietrowski.